As millionaires as they are, RM and Jimin deserved all the good life, as reports of the two K-pop megastars purchasing the most expensive apartment units in Korea headline various media sites!

The luxury RM and Jimin deserves

It is of exceeding joy for the die-hard fans and supporters of BTS RM and Jimin, hearing reports of their idols living their best of the best life. Korea Boo stated that various Korean media outlets report that BTS members RM and Jimin just became homeowners of dazzling apartment units.

That said, the prestigious Nine One Hannam complex just welcomed the Butter singers into its band of homeowners.

ARMYs were very rapid to determine that based on the property's acquisition and sales processing, individuals who have bought a unit will be publicized online in Korea's registrar's sites. And as it came to happen, news of the matter instantly spread like wildlife across the country, then to the rest of the world.

How much did BTS's RM and Jimin spent?

On June 1 (Tuesday), it was reported that the Grammy-nominated bandleader of the K-pop boy group RM made his purchase of around $5.69 million on March 31, 2021, for an apartment unit. The mode of payment is in full cash, without loans and other aid. The deed officially runs under his name on May 25, 2021, for a unit of about 293.93 square meters in total.

On the other hand, the Serendipity singer Jimin bought a unit at the prestigious building with the same size that of RM's in terms of square meters. He made his purchase of $5.3 million on the same day RM bought his unit.

On May 26, 2021, the deed was signed under Jimin's name, having to pay the unit in full via cash.

Meanwhile, the Nine One Hannam apartment units in Korea have been in demand by celebrities and other rich entrepreneurs for their luxury and dazzle.