Red Velvet's Joy graces through Singles Magazine and talks about her solo debut album, her love for her fans, and more.

In the previous month, Joy released her solo debut album and the remake of 'Hello' with the title track of the same name. Both the song and album topped the charts around the globe.

Joy showed warm and refreshing energy during the photoshoot together with the British beauty brand The Body Shop. During the interview, Joy talked about what it was like to remake old songs for her solo album.

She stated that it is similar to how she received strength from the lyrics and melody. Joy hoped that more people would feel the same emotions she wanted to express. Imagine expressing all the feelings about the moments, and people are precious to her.

For over three months, she focused on working on the album. Joy discussed the makeup, hairstyle, and even the outfit concept for every song's visual team.

In addition, Joy is selected as the new MC for SBS's 'Animal Farm.' Together with the upcoming projects is the forthcoming small-screen drama 'Just One Person.' Joy stated that her source of strength to prepare something big and bring out to this is the world is her fans.

Even now that she has successfully wrapped her first solo album, she continuously plans for new activities rather than taking a break. Joy had a teared-up moment while reading the messages sent by her fans during a V Live broadcast.

She thinks her job is to show various colors while continuing to work that balances the love and support that her fans have given her. The artist endlessly expressed her gratitude and love for ReVeluv (The official fan club of Red Velvet) while sharing her plans to promote in different fields in the future.