K-pop group P1Harmony is set to complete their 'Harmony' series.

FNC Entertainment, the management company of P1Harmony, unveiled the +(P1us) Message video of their sixth mini-album 'HARMONY: ALL IN', set to be released on June 8, through their official social media channels on May 18.

The released video contains a message from P1Harmony.

Included with a file named 'Harmony_Final_UltimateFinal_RealFinal.p1h', the message indicates that P1Harmony is sending the final version of the Harmony series. Furthermore, as the message is sent, the phrase 'JUMP' pops up, piquing curiosity.

P1Harmony's sixth mini-album 'HARMONY: ALL IN' marks the final journey of the 'Harmony' series, encapsulating the story of P1Harmony as they create a harmonious world. It's the completed narrative of P1Harmony, who have been striving to create a better world since their debut, from the three-part 'DISHARMONY' series to the three-part 'HARMONY' series.

P1Harmony will release their sixth mini-album 'HARMONY: ALL IN' on June 8 at 6 PM. The comeback promotional content will be sequentially released through official social media channels.