After the 'death rumors' of female singer A in her 30s surfaced, she remained uncontactable. Amidst these speculations, the police have confirmed the discovery of a final note.

On May 12th, Sports Kyunghyang reported that singer A was found deceased in her residence that day.

Singer A, a Korean traditional music major in college, had been active in the trot genre. She had appeared on a terrestrial music competition program earlier this year and had gained attention after appearing on a variety show.

Comments asking about her wellbeing continued on the SNS of a trot singer identified as A. Friends and fans alike were concerned for her. After hearing the news, Xports News also tried to reach singer A, but their calls went unanswered.

After the death rumors began to circulate, a mix of comments expressing condolences and seeking confirmation of the truth began to appear on A's social media and fan café. Particularly heartbreaking was a post from the day before her death, the 11th, in which A expressed gratitude to her fans on her social media.

Following this, on the 13th, it was reported that the Yongsan Police Station in Seoul had received a report the previous day that singer A had been found deceased in her residence. The police found a note at the scene believed to have been written by A, leading them to suspect that she made a drastic decision.

The police plan to deliver singer A's remains to her family as soon as possible.