After seeing the awkward date of Ji Soo and Im Soo Hyang is a sneak peek, here’s a glimpse of Ha Seok Jin and Im Soo Hyang in their honeymoon for you to watch out!

The romance melodrama, “When I Was The Most Beautiful,” follows the story of an art teacher (Im soo Hyang) who gets caught up in an uncomfortable love triangle of two brothers (Ji Soo and Ha Seok Jin).

The previous episode revealed Seo Hwan (played by Ji Soo) expressed his bitterness about his unjust position in the love triangle, saying, “You should have appeared into my life after I reach adulthood. I met you too early.” He continued saying that he’s happy to meet her but, at the same time, disappointed with his unfair fate.

Furthermore, Seo Hwan reluctantly let go of Oh Ye Ji (played by Im Soo Hyang), and she got married to Seo Jin (Ha Seok Jin), his brother.

The new stills reveal Oh Ye Ji and Seo Jin enjoying their time on their honeymoon. The two appear to enjoy every moment being together in a very serene place. In the area, both are doing various activities such as riding horses on a green field and drinking coffee, savoring the magnificent green view that is so good to the eyes.

In the forest, the couple also goes for a relaxing walk and poses for pictures to save their magical moments. As both can’t stop smiling in every detail of their entire trip, it is evident that the two are blissfully in love.

According to the production team, Oh Ye Ji, Seo Jin, and Seo Hwan’s love triangle will be meeting a new turning point in the next episode. The three will experience their feelings being developed more passionately. “Please watch out how the relationships of Oh Ye Ji, Seo Jin, and Seo Hwan will change.”