In an unforeseen turn of events, Bit, a key member of the celebrated K-Pop group BAE173, has been compelled to take a hiatus from his professional commitments following a scooter accident. The incident, which occurred in the early hours of August 27, has left fans worldwide deeply concerned and sympathetic.

The official announcement, made through BAE173's verified fan cafe, detailed the circumstances surrounding the accident. Bit, while attending to his personal commitments, collided with a scooter. The aftermath of this unexpected incident resulted in a 2 cm long cut on his scalp, necessitating immediate medical intervention. To ensure no underlying head injuries, Bit also underwent a comprehensive CT scan.

Given the severity of his injuries, Bit has chosen to temporarily step back from his professional activities. His primary focus now is on receiving the necessary medical care and ensuring a full recovery. This decision also means that Bit will be absent from the much-anticipated Peak Time Macau concert scheduled for September 3.

BAE173, which has garnered significant acclaim in the K-Pop arena, expressed its heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated fans for their unwavering support. The band and its management are fully committed to prioritizing Bit's health and well-being. They have reiterated their dedication to ensuring his speedy recovery, with the ultimate goal of seeing him return to the stage with the same energy and passion that fans adore.

In these trying times, BAE173 and its management have called for understanding and empathy from their vast fan base. This incident underscores the unpredictability of life and the paramount importance of health, even in the demanding world of entertainment.

As BAE173 members and fans eagerly await Bit's full recovery, they look forward to the day he will once again grace the stage with his remarkable talents. Until then, their thoughts and best wishes are with Bit, hoping for his swift healing and rejuvenation.

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