SBS show 'Backstreet Rookie' receives sanctions from Korea Communications Standards Commissions for adult themes and sexual objectification.

'Backstreet Rookie' faced several backlashes against viewers for not following television guidelines in their show.

It was reported that 'Backstreet Rookie' was under investigation by the Korea Communications Standards Commissions (KCSC) for the SBS show's +19 scenes. Thee KCSC held a subcommittee meeting on the afternoon of July 29th, KST. A statutory sanction was decided by the Communications Company that serves as a "warning" for the SBS show.

According to a KCSC official, the subcommittee is expected to deliberate the episodes in regulation to Article 27 (Duties of Integrity) and Article 51 (use of broadcasting language) of the body's review regulation.

The subcommittee elaborates that the production team for 'BackstreetRookie' lacked gender sensitivity that causes disgust and discomfort to the viewers. In consideration, the SBS show was initially adapted as an adult webtoon of the same name and has created an uproar even before the show started airing.

'Backstreet Rookie' production stated that the television program is a family drama that is far different from the original webtoon. However, scenes of a high schooler kissing an adult man, prostitution in motels, and the harsh language that was inspired by the original webtoon, made the viewers question the PG-15 rate of the show.

Other than that, 'Backstreet Rookie' has added more controversy to its reputation as one of the shows cast explicit racial portrayal of a black character. On an episode that aired on Friday, a Nigerian encounters a Korean man with similar dreadlocks to his own in a convenience store. The two embrace each other and state, "we belong to the same Jamaican family," then process to dance to the tune of instrumental music.

This scene for 'Backstreet Rookie' made the viewers react on social media that the show has got to go, stating that SBS created a stereotype for all African people.