Kang Daniel is dashing and a debonair gentleman in his latest feature with Cosmopolitan magazine! Along with the post-shoot-interview with the spread, the singer talked about how he spends his time during the pandemic. Also, the charming Kang Daniel shares his thoughts regarding makeup and beauty.

Cosmopolitan kicked-off the interview with the topic about the increase of genderless models. Regarding Kang Daniel's modeling for Givenchy, he responded that he never once thought that he had played any unique role in blurring the line between genders.

He continued that these days, variety is respected as a matter of course, and he noted that his family thought that way too. When he told them that he would become a beauty model, his grandfather was so happy and said that he would buy the 'Rouge' that he will be advertising.

Regarding how he's been spending time during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kang Daniel shared that he's such a homebody just as he always is. When he is told to stay at home, he thinks he could do so for five years.

Kang Daniel shared that a long time ago, he had heard about an experiment to find out how long someone could stay in a one-room apartment if they just had a computer and could eat what they wanted, now he is applying it. He expressed that when the pandemic ends, he wants to go skydiving. "Right after gaining interest in trying it, the epidemic happened, and I couldn't do it anymore."

The singer added that he thinks the best window into the world is Netflix because it is through films that people can see the variety of relationships in the world and enjoy one's self while doing so. Kang Daniel said that he enjoys odd genres like fantasy or horror. He also wanted 'American Horror Story' and noted that he's a fan of Guillermo del Toro.

Finally, Kang Daniel was asked to give himself a nickname from his perspective, and he picked "sun" or "moon." He explained that just as there are night and day, he always wants to maintain peace of mind and always be there, unchanging despite knowing that not all people don't listen to his songs. "I think that's the motto that's most important to me right now."