D1 of boy band DKB has shared the praises he received from music production duo Brave Brothers.

DKB held a showcase at 3 p.m. on June 14 at the Shinhan Play Square Live Hall in Mapo-gu, Seoul, to commemorate the release of their 6th mini-album, 'I Need Love.'

At the event, GK talked about the reaction of Brave Brothers, their agency's heads and producers. He recalled, "E-Chan and I participated in the making of the song '1 on 1,' which was created while shooting 'Peak Time.' We sent the song to the heads because we thought it was good, and they responded with 'It seems like you've grown a lot. It would be great if you could participate more in the future.' This boosted our confidence."

GK continued, "We became very close after 'Peak Time,' even having our first meal together. We had a lot of conversations, they even wrote us long letters in the group chat and sent lots of hearts," he chuckled.

D1 added, "The heads always tell us, 'Always be humble, humility is the top priority.' After 'Peak Time,' they said, 'In my heart, you guys are number one.'"

The new album 'I Need Love' includes a total of five songs, including the title track of the same name. D1 and GK participated in the lyrics of the song 'Feeling,' while the rapper line, E-Chan, and GK contributed to the lyrics and composition of '1 on 1.'

The title track 'I Need Love' is a charming house pop genre song with an addictive chorus. It contains a message of warmth for those losing their light in the cold and dark world and embodies a message of hope that anyone could draw strength from during difficult and lonely moments. This hopeful message is expressed through DKB's own bright and positive energy.

The album was released at 6 p.m. that day.