LG U+'s 'STUDIO X+U' is producing a new mockumentary-style variety show featuring the monster rookie producer 'Alien Jo Hwihyeon,' confirming the appearance of Lee Jin-ho, Hwi-min, and Dawn.

Scheduled to be released in the second half of the year on U+MobileTV, 'Alien Ho-Hwi-Hyo' is a 'bizarre' label name created by taking one letter from the names of comedian Lee Jin-ho, who dreams of a hit song, top hip-hop producer GroovyRoom's Hwimin, and musician Dawn (Hyojong), who possesses a unique sensibility.

The trio dreams of sitting on a 'money cushion' with their hit songs, so they establish the label 'Alien Ho-Hwi-Hyo.' The story unfolds as the three men join forces to nurture a 'monster rookie' and make it big with their label.

The mockumentary-style variety show, 'Alien Ho-Hwi-Hyo,' which blurs the lines between fiction and reality, not only promises fun but also guarantees a treat for the ears with a new song by top-tier producer Hwimin.

The combination of self-proclaimed 'God of Drip' comedian Lee Jin-ho, producer Hwimin, and musician Dawn is expected to create fresh chemistry.

The mockumentary-style variety show featuring monster rookie producer 'Alien Ho-Hwi-Hyo' with Lee Jin-ho, Hwimin, and Dawn will be released in the second half of this year on U+MobileTV.