In a September 30 episode of MBC’s “Good Morning FM with Jang Sung Kyu,” Yuri talks about getting married in the future and reveals who in the group wants to tie the knot tomorrow.

On the MBC FM show, Jang Sung Kyu asked Yuri when was her happiest moment in the past 13 years as a Girl Generation member.

The idol replied that it was when they all celebrated Tiffany’s birthday, which also was the group’s 13th anniversary, so they all had a wonderful time together at the party.

Yuri continued that the group went through so many events and struggles in the past 13 years, they fought over the little things, as families tend to do, such as who would use the bathroom first or their outfits.

The Girls' Generation member added that she could not forget a single moment with the group and never thought that they would be able to protect the group for as long as 13 years. “We have received continued support and love from so many people,” said Yuri.

The host of MBC’s “Good Morning FM” asked if the group’s conversation had changed in the past 13 years, then Yuri stated, “Usually, women our age are already married and have kids. But since we are not married, we all raise pet dogs, so we talk about our pet dogs a lot.”

Yuri also talked about getting married one day, as Jang Sung Kyu asked if other members of Girls Generation prefer to stay single or tie the knot. She expressed that all members of the group want to be in a long-term relationship in the future.

Then, Yuri revealed that Girls Generation member Hyoyeon wants to get married right away or even tomorrow, stating, “knowing Hyeyeon personality, she’d say that she’ll get married tomorrow if she can. But she does not have any relationship at the moment.”

Yuri continued that Hyeyeon always dreamt of becoming a good wife and a wise mother ever since the group was starting in the music business.