The Bangtan Boys are gearing up to drop their new album "Proof" on June 10. To promote the same, the official Twitter handle of the K-pop band has been releasing 'Proof of Inspiration" snippets, which comprise seven short clips of which five have been released, in addition, to other promotional material.

In the clips, each BTS member is seen talking about the songs that they have personally selected to be included in the album as well as what is their "Proof of Inspiration".

In RM's snippet released on May 22, the artist said that he thought it would be great if "Stay" and "Intro : Persona" would go into "Proof", the anthology album. The song "Intro : Persona" begins with "Who am I!", which has made Namjoon think about it a lot while the band went ahead at full speed since its debut, and continue to make him think even now.

The BTS leader shared that he has various personas, there is Kim Namjoon the human being, then there is Kim Namjoon the friend and family member, and then there is RM who creates music. The singer added that he is comprised of all these different variations of him, which sometimes comes as a heavy burden.

At times, however, the superstar wonders who is the real him. But in the end, he has found that all the personas that he has been shifting between are actually all him.

RM also thinks that all the BTS members and their fans, the ARMY, who "Stay"ed by his side no matter which persona he was, are his "Proof".

Meanwhile, in other news, each BTS member got a chance recently on the 4th episode of "BTS become game developers", to speak about "In the Seom", HYBE's new game that is slated for release on June 28.

The seven members of BTS have contributed to the game's creation, which is a character management, casual, story-rich puzzle game. About the game, RM said that if he were a fan, he would not expect much about the game their company is developing because numerous games have been released since their debut, and those were games that were predictable that just used existing artists and their IP.

However, for the upcoming game, experts have moved to their company and created this game with love, therefore RM feels this time it will be different. He also explained that the whole band cares a lot about this project and considers it an important one.