Kim Gun-woo, known for his villainous role as Son Myeong-oh in the popular drama "The Glory," showed a completely different side of himself on SBS's "My Little Old Boy" (also known as Mom's Diary: My Ugly Duckling) . The actor opened up about his panic disorder and gave a sneak peek into his meticulously clean lifestyle.

In the episode, the hosts introduced Kim Gun-woo as the "hot new son" on "My Little Old Boy ." They were pleasantly surprised by his real-life persona, which contrasted greatly with his on-screen character. Kim also revealed his bachelor pad for the first time, filled with memorabilia from "The Glory."

Starting his day with stretching and tidying up his home, Kim Gun-woo's cleanliness habits caught everyone's attention. Even the show's Cleanliness King, Seo Jang-hoon, was impressed by Kim's dedication to keeping his home spotless.

After cleaning and taking a shower, Kim took care of his skin meticulously. He then headed to a local laundromat with a bundle of laundry, where he bumped into numerous fans who couldn't wait to take photos with him. Kim graciously obliged, snapping selfies and signing autographs for his admirers.

While waiting for his laundry, Kim called his fellow actor and close friend, Kim Hee-ra, to catch up. They congratulated each other on being nominated for Best New Actor at the Baeksang Arts Awards and expressed their support for one another.

After returning home, Kim checked the real-time air quality and then began folding his laundry, showing off his skills from his previous part-time job at a clothing store. He even revealed the red underwear he wore in a scene from "The Glory," which had everyone laughing.

Kim then headed to the gym, where he has been working out for five years. It's there that he built the slim and toned physique he's known for today. When the hosts asked about the tattoos he sported in the drama, they clarified that the tattoos were fake, much to their relief. Kim focused on low-weight, high-repetition exercises to maintain his lean muscles.

The actor's dedication to his physical appearance and cleanliness habits truly set him apart from his villainous character, showcasing a whole new side to Kim Gun-woo that fans have come to love.